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EOAWallet as Signer

The EOAWallet class is an implementation of the MSI that provides functionality to create, recover, and manage Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) using mnemonic phrases. It can be used as signer with smart accounts and safe's.

Beyond EIP-1271 messages, EOAWallet as a signer can be relied upon for developing fully featured EOA Wallets like Metamask; Which will require using the EthPrivateKey directly instead of the MSI interface.

Creating a New EOA Wallet instance

To create a new EOA wallet signer instance, you can use the createWallet factory method:

final walletSigner = EOAWallet.createWallet(); // Defaults to 12 words
// Create a 24-word phrase wallet
final walletSigner24 = EOAWallet.createWallet(WordLength.word_24);
// Create a signer for AlchemyLightAccount
final signer = EOAWallet.createWallet(WordLength.word_12, const SignatureOptions(prefix: [0]));

The createWallet method generates a random mnemonic phrase of the specified word length (default is 12 words) and returns an EOAWallet instance. The mnemonic phrase is generated using the Bip39MnemonicGenerator, which follows the BIP-39 standard for generating mnemonic phrases.


The WordLength enum represents the available word lengths for generating mnemonic phrases:

  • WordLength.word_12: Represents a 12-word mnemonic phrase.
  • WordLength.word_24: Represents a 24-word mnemonic phrase.

The WordLength enum when used as a parameter in the createWallet method can specify the desired word length when generating a new mnemonic phrase.


The SignatureOptions class is used to specify the prefix for the signer. This is required for alchemy light accounts. It is not required for safe smart accounts.

Recovering an EOA Wallet

To recover an EOA wallet signer instance from an existing mnemonic phrase, you can use the recoverAccount factory method:

final mnemonicPhrase = 'test test test test test test test test test test test junk'; // Replace with an actual mnemonic phrase
final recoveredSigner = EOAWallet.recoverAccount(mnemonicPhrase);
// Create a signer for AlchemyLightAccount
final recoveredSigner = EOAWallet.recoverAccount(mnemonicPhrase, const SignatureOptions(prefix: [0]));

Adding an Account

You can add a new account to the EOA wallet using the addAccount method:

final newAddress = walletSigner.addAccount(0); // Adds account at index 0

The addAccount method takes an index as input and returns the EthereumAddress of the account at that index. Internally, it derives a BIP-44 private key, which takes a seed and index as input and generates a private key using the BIP-44 derivation path "m/44'/60'/0'/0/index". The derived private key is then used to create an EthPrivateKey instance, and the corresponding Ethereum address is returned.

Exporting Mnemonic and Private Key

You can export the mnemonic phrase and private key of an account using the following methods:

final mnemonic = walletSigner.exportMnemonic();
final privateKey = walletSigner.exportPrivateKey(0); // Exports private key of account at index 0

Signing Methods

The EOAWallet class provides two methods for signing payloads:

Using personalSign

The personalSign method signs the provided hash using the private key of the specified account and returns the signature as a Uint8List.

final hash = Uint8List.fromList([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78]);
final signature = await walletSigner.personalSign(hash, index: 0); // Signs using account at index 0

Internally, it retrieves the private key and calls the signPersonalMessageToUint8List method of the EthPrivateKey class to sign the hash.

Using signToEc

The signToEc method signs the provided hash using the private key of the specified account and returns an instance of MsgSignature containing the r, s, and v values of the signature.

final hash = Uint8List.fromList([0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78]);
final signature = await walletSigner.signToEc(hash, index: 0); // Signs using account at index 0

Internally, it retrieves the private key and calls the signToEcSignature method of the EthPrivateKey class to sign the hash and obtain the MsgSignature instance.